Thursday, 4 November 2021

Using to Download Torrents With IDM


In this blog today i would share with all you guys how i came across an amazing online website which allows us to download torrents without getting into any mess. 
i use my college internet where the institute have banned the use of torrent in the network. 
so i couln't download torrents while i was using that network. 
so i searched online and came across an amazing online software that does the best job. 
so guys  the site that im talking about is 
this is based on the following method

this works in following steps:
1: you search for a torrent online from such websites.
2. copy the link of the torrent
3. open
4. signup for the accoung
5. paste the Copied Link
6. enjoy!

i hope you liked my post. please leave any comments if you have any confusions about using this great tool. Thanks for the read
Love you and peace out